I fell for it this time, and I've been party to it in the past. But now I have the ability to say my own part (which is ironic in it's own right).
I hate message boards.
But before i get started with that one, i realized that the Blog is close to the message board already.
I realize i also have a comment system on this blog, which is more like a message board.
I realize i contradict myself.
"Very well, I contradict myself."
I hate message boards I just spent some time looking at a message board on Newsarama, that was in regards to an article on the upcoming movie V for Vendetta. It's a great book, if not a bit slow (but then so was orwell). and the orwell reference is valid. It's 1984, but happier. But that still aint saying much.f
The article was obviously an opinion piece by one Rich Johnston, comic book gossip king (I love Lying in the Gutter. He expresses slanted opinions (no worse than michael moore) on issues of terrorism, the war on, and both the english and british govt. He brings them up in reference to the book, as the book shows what happens when people support a govt, that makes bad choices, and those bad choices spawn bad choices, ad nauseum.
Hobbes said that democracy will collapse on itself because sooner or later, people will be tired of being given choices and will cry out for someone to make decisions for them.
(Saying that always reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes strip in which the father has a fit in the grocery store because there are too many different types of Peanut Butter to choose from.)
From what I remember of the book, V for Vendetta happened much because of those decisions. When 9/11 occured, Kate was working at USAMRIID for an Iranian. He said it was sad, but the US has lived in peace for too long. And he had a good point. I believe it's a fair equation to say that Civil Rights are inversly proportional to National Security.
I think in the country, there is a distinct difference between the two (oddly, I'd assume that people that have less security issues, i.e. Joe Blow, in Nowhere USA is probably more on the Security side than Mr. I-Work-Next-To-The-World-Bank, Washington DC guy. I dont know why, that's another tangent for another time).
But I digress... So much i almost forgot what i was digressing about, and from.
This is where I throw my thoughts out there. partly because i enjyo going back and reading it and remembering and contemplating what i was thinking about last week, and two months ago. Secondly, if anyone wants to read them, they choose to. I have yet to figure out how to make people's homepages turn into this page.
Message boards are very specifically a public forum, and I think it's a by-product of freedom of speech that makes people think that we also care to hear what they have to say.
So i think this BLOG has managed to do what i intended it to. ALthough i hate the Message Boards, even though i sometimes fall for them. I realize their purpose. We have the right to say what we want, even if no one cares.
And no one does. But my god, at least we can.